islamic Funerals in oxford
‘O soul at peace: Return to your Lord, well pleased and well pleasing. Enter among My servants, and enter My Paradise’
– The Qur’an 89:27–30
With you in every step

We obtain the relevant documentation to complete the burial, and liaise with local councils.

Our private ambulance and hearse will transport your deceased loved ones both locally and for international repatriation burials.

Washing & Shrouding
The washing (ghusl) and shrouding (kafan) of the deceased is performed in purpose-built facilities, observing Islamic traditions.

Prayer & Burial
The funeral prayer (janaza) and burial (dafan) are arranged, for both local and international repatriation.
Wider Objectives
- To offer a listening ear and authentic, Islamic guidance for family members who are caring for a loved one at the end of life (practical steps to take at the onset of the signs of death’s imminence & immediately after death has occurred);
- To offer after care for families who are bereaved in the form of home visits and phone calls etc that lend an ear;
- To visit care homes with a view to offering authentic, Islamic guidance & practical steps to care home Managers for Muslim residents at the end of life;
- To provide care homes with a poster/leaflet that outlines the steps to take for a Muslim resident who is passing away and directly after death has occurred;
- To visit Muslim residents of care homes/hospices offering solace and companionship for residents with little or no family support;
- To organise regular, scholarly lectures that focus upon equipping the Muslim community with the fiqh (jurisprudential knowledge) underpinning all aspects of the Muslim death & funerary rites, as well as the spiritual dimension of death;
- To organise regular, practical training of the bathing & shrouding of the Muslim deceased for the community of Oxford.
We pray, Allah, Most High, grants us all the tawfeeq to realise our objectives. Ameen
Salwa Bereavement Care
‘Salwa’ is Arabic for ‘solace’, which is what we hope to offer bereaved families in our community. We are a growing, voluntary group of sisters, resident in Oxfordshire, who primarily assist in the funerary rites (bathing & shrouding) of Muslim sisters. This primary service has led to discussions that examine other community needs which Salwa Bereavement Care hopes to cater for with Allah’s tawfeeq.
Why Salwa Bereavement Care Is Asking YOU to join us
It is mentioned in Ṭaḥṭāwī that, ‘Whomsoever bathes the deceased will have seventy maghfirah (acts of forgiveness from Allāh) of such quality written for him, that if one of these were distributed amongst the entire creation, it would be sufficient for all of them.’
We strongly believe that as the volunteer group grows and fellow Muslim sisters become engaged in this privileged work the more knowledgeable we will become as a community; benefiting one another at a time like no other.
Please contact us to learn more about us, or if you are in need of volunteers to assist your loved one’s funerary rites or to join the volunteers’ list on any of the numbers listed below:
Contact Salwa Bereavement Care:
Sr Frazana Aslam: 07900 822130
Sr Kairah Rees: 07956 841674
Sr Najma Taj: 07944 827243
Sr Shabana Nadeem: 07971 361619
Whoever washes a deceased person, shrouds him, safeguards him, carries him, and offers the funeral prayer for him, without disclosing what he has seen — such a person will emerge from his sins as on the day his mother bore him.
the messenger of allah (Allah bless him and grant him peace)
Don’t take our word for it
Support our work. Donate. Reap the rewards in the Hereafter.
Many people today do not have the knowledge or means to carry out Islamic funeral services for their loved ones. Your financial contributions will help us preserve traditional Islamic burial rites and make them available to our community. Contributions are also an opportunity to leave a donation in perpetuity (sadaqah jariyah) for you and anyone you intend it for — a reward you will reap in the Hereafter, insha’Allah.